Extension of sociality.

Primary Base *

Child Elements  


Name/Link ΒΆ Type Source/Type Consumption Date




caeleb* Celibacy Abstinence from marriage.
kunth* Courtesy Positive sociality.
rud* Discourtesy Negative sociality.
* Divorce Forecful end to or dissolution of marriage. Social disjunction.
* Endearment Expression of friendship or love.
odj* Enmity Moderate negative sociality characterized by degrees of commitment, intimacy and passion.
* Favorite
fred* Friendship Moderate positive sociality characterized by degrees of commitment, intimacy and passion.
mis* Hate Strong negative sociality characterized by degrees of commitment, intimacy and passion.
* Irascibility
* Love Positive sociality characterized by degrees of commitment, intimacy and passion.
qam* Marriage Social junction.
* Outrage Expression of enmity, hate, or resentment.
ir* Resentment
socew* Seclusion Lack of sociality.
soc* Sociality
* Sullenness
* Welcome Extension of sociality.
vidw* Widowhood End of one's marriage due to death of partner. Incidental or accidental social disjunction.
