Dative of compulsion.

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tyran* Arbitrary Power
* Liability Negative influence. Influence due to obligation or disadvantage.
robot* Slavery Servility with subjection.
* Yoke Means of restraint for subjection.


kratemp* Abrogation Abolition or annulment of authority.
tyran* Arbitrary Power
krat* Authority Action of the will of one mind or party over the will of another.
* Command Wielding of authority.
legofur* Commission Vicarious authority.
pel* Compulsion Forceful application of authority.
* Consignee Person appointed to administer the affairs of a person, company, or institution.
leg* Deputy Agent of vicarious authority.
liber* Freedom
kratew* Laxity Absence of authority.
awsterew* Lenity Lack of severity.
kratemp* Liberation Ablation of authority.
* Master Agent of authority or compulsion.
let* Obedience Submission to authority.
kratolv* Resignation Voluntary relinquish of authority.
katen* Restraint Willful denial of freedom.
dowl* Servant Object of compulsion.
awster* Severity Degree of authority.
* Subjection Dative of compulsion.


Subjection synonyms

SUBJECTION; dependence, dependency; subordination; thrall, thralldom or thraldom, enthrallment or enthralment, subjugation, bondage, serfdom; feudalism, feudality; vassalage, villenage or villeinage, slavery, enslavement, involuntary servitude; conquest.\n SERVICE; servitude, servitorship; tendence, employ, tutelage, clientship; liability [See Liability]; constraint [See Restraint]; oppression (severity) [See Severity]; yoke (means of restraint) [See Prison]; submission [See Submission]; obedience [See Obedience].