Primary Base qlyf*

Child Elements  

qlyf* dis tg Glyph, carved character, letter of the alphabet.


Name/Link Type Source/Type Consumption Date




qlyf* Letter
* Misnomer Misapplied or inappropriate naming or designation.
* Name
* Neology Introduction or use of new words.
* Nomenclature A set or system of names or terms.
* Phrase
solo* Solecism Nonstandard or ungrammatical usage of language or logic.
* Specific Languages
* Spoken Language
* Style
verb* Word
* Written Language



Character; uncial writing, cuneiform character, arrowhead, contraction; Ogham, runes; hieroglyphic, hieratic, demotic, Hebrew, Greek, Cyrillic, Roman; Arabic, Persian, Naskhi or Neskhi, Shikasta, Nasta’lik or Ta’lik; Brahmi, Devanagari, Nagari; Chinese; script.

Capitals; digraph, trigraph; ideogram; ideograph; majuscule, majusculœ [L.]; minuscule, minusculœ [L.]; alphabet.
consonant, vowel; diphthong, triphthong; mute, surd, sonant, liquid, labial, palatal, cerebral, dental, guttural; guna, vriddhi [Skr. gram.].
SYLLABLE; monosyllable, dissyllable, polysyllable; affix, prefix, suffix.
SPELLING, orthography; phonography, phonetic spelling, phonetics; anagrammatism, metagrammatism.
CIPHER, monogram, anagram; acrostic, double acrostic.