English Wiktionary

fru* To use, enjoy.
q* Agent. (v) To act, take action; to drive, pilot, use an instrument.
rk* To work, exert effort, work with, use, manipulate.
ut* Use, purpose, function, utility.

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Hilinqwo Elements

**[[[base:fru|fru*]]]** To use, enjoy.
**[[[base:q|q*]]]** Agent. (v) To act, take action; to drive, pilot, use an instrument.
**[[[base:rk|rk*]]]** To work, exert effort, work with, use, manipulate. Workman. Builder, maker, wright, smith, artist.
Machinist, mechanic, manufacturer, architect, contractor, mason, engineer, electrician, plumber.
Journeyman, hack. , bricklayer; carpenter; platelayer; blacksmith, locksmith, sailmaker, wheelwright, gasfitter.
**[[[base:ut|ut*]]]** Use, purpose, function, utility.

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Element Class(es) Definition Taxonomy Notes
fru* tr To use, enjoy.
q* act tg Agent. Agent (v) To act, take action; to drive, pilot, use an instrument.
rk* const abs cont act tg To work, exert effort, work with, use, manipulate. Workman
ut* rel dis itg Use, purpose, function, utility. Utility
