English Wiktionary

The general base for pain is pen*. The following bases express specific types of pain:

ank* (v) Tight, constricted, painful, under stress, anxious. To experience pain, experience stress, be stressed, anguish.
dol*, penth*, mær* Sadness, grief, sorrow, distress, affliction, woe, heartache.
ejl* Intestinal pain, colic.
komidol* Shared emotional pain, condolences.
qawdew* Joylessless.
qehen* Ongoing torment, eternal punishment, pain of separation.
swerq* Melancholy.

Thesaurus Entries

Hilinqwo Elements

**[[[suffix:alg|-alg*]]]** Constructor for conditions of disease, inflammation or painfulness in an organ or bodily tissue. No longer synonymous with -os*; now distinct.
**[[[base:ankew|ankew*]]]** Lack of pain.
**[[[base:ankid|ankod*]]]** To stress, tighten, constrict, cause pain to.
**[[[base:dol|dol*]]]** Sadness, emotional pain, grief, sorrow.
**[[[base:ejl|ejl*]]]** Colic, ileus. Pain of the abdomen or intestines.
**[[[base:komidol|komidol*]]]** Shared emotional pain, condolences.
**[[[base:pen|pen*]]]** Pain, punishment, penance.
**[[[base:penor|penor*]]]** Cause of pain.

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Element Class(es) Definition Taxonomy Notes
-alg* m itg Constructor for conditions of disease, inflammation or painfulness in an organ or bodily tissue. Disease No longer synonymous with -os*; now distinct.
ankew* rel abe sta m itg Lack of pain.
ankod* dat ac To stress, tighten, constrict, cause pain to. Pain
dol* unb neg rel itg Sadness, emotional pain, grief, sorrow. Dejection
ejl* m itg Colic, ileus. Colic Pain of the abdomen or intestines.
komidol* m itg Shared emotional pain, condolences. Condolence
pen* unb rel m itg Pain, punishment, penance. Pain
penor* unb rel gen act Cause of pain.
