English Wiktionary

dew* To lack, want, have missing, be incomplete.
-ew* Lack of, absence of.
penj* Poverty. Lack or insufficient wealth or assets.

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**[[[base:dew|dew*]]]** To lack, want, have missing, be incomplete.
**[[[suffix:ew|-ew*]]]** Lack of, absence of.
**[[[base:penj|penj*]]]** Poverty. Lack or insufficient wealth or assets.

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Element Class(es) Definition Taxonomy Notes
dew* abe ag To lack, want, have missing, be incomplete. Incompleteness
-ew* abe sta m itg Lack of, absence of. Absence
penj* abe sta m itg Poverty. Insufficiency Lack or insufficient wealth or assets.



Indigence, penury, pauperism, destitution, want; need, neediness; lack, necessity, privation, distress, difficulties.


ðampl* Sufficiency.


Too much, too many; superabundance, superfluity, superfluence [obs.], supersaturation; nimiety [rare], transcendency, exuberance, profuseness; profusion (plenty) [See Sufficiency]; repletion, enough in all conscience, satis superque [L.], lion’s share; more than enough [See Sufficiency]; plethora, engorgement, congestion, load, surfeit, sickener; turgescence (expansion) [See Expansion]; overdose, overmeasure, oversupply, overflow; inundation (water) [See River]; avalanche, deluge.
pleonasm (diffuseness) [See Diffuseness]; too many irons in the fire; embarras de richesses [F.]; embarrassment of riches; money to burn [colloq.].
ACCUMULATION (store) [See Store]; heap [See Assemblage]; glut; crowd; burden.

luks* Luxury.


Surplus, overplus; epact; margin; remainder [See Remainder]; duplicate; surplusage, expletive; work of supererogation; bonus, bonanza [U. S.].


ðup* Insufficiency. Deficiency, inadequacy, inadequateness, lack; paucity; stint.

Depletion (causation of insufficiency).
Scarcity, dearth; want, need, lack, poverty, exigency; inanition, starvation, famine, drought or drouth.
Pittance (essive of insufficiency), dole, mite.