English Wiktionary

hab* To have, hold, posess, own, contain.
habaq* Holder, container.
hær* Coherence.
meld* Holdings, position; a hand of cards.
os* Having, with, containing, holding.
ten* Tenacity, steadfastness.
tenob* To hold fast, maintain, continue.

Thesaurus Entries

Hilinqwo Elements

**[[[base:hab|hab*]]]** To have, hold, posess, own, contain.
**[[[base:habaq|habaq*]]]** Holder, container.
**[[[base:haer|hær*]]]** Coherence.
**[[[base:hek|hek*]]]** "Holding fast," Hector.
**[[[base:meld|meld*]]]** Holdings, position; a hand of cards.
**[[[suffix:os|-os*]]]** Having, with, containing, holding.
**[[[base:ten|ten*]]]** Tenacity, steadfastness. Toughness, strength; cohesiveness, cohesion [See Coherence]; sequacity, sequaciousness [both obs. in this sense]; stubbornness (obstinacy) [See Obstinacy]; gumminess, glutinousness, viscidity [See Semiliquidity].
**[[[base:tenos|tenos*]]]** To hold fast, maintain, continue. Tenacious, steadfast.

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Element Class(es) Definition Taxonomy Notes
hab* ac To have, hold, posess, own, contain. Containment
habaq* inst dis tg Holder, container. Container
hær* sta m itg Coherence. Coherence
hek* ess "Holding fast," Hector.
meld* dis itg Holdings, position; a hand of cards.
-os* ess sta Having, with, containing, holding. Possession
ten* pos rel ess sta m itg Tenacity, steadfastness. Tenacity
tenos* ess To hold fast, maintain, continue. Tenacity
