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abs subj ess sta m itg
nbsp; IE *wēro-

Truth, reality.

Synonyms (move to note)

Verity; fact, reality (existence) [See Existence]; plain matter of fact; nature (principle) [See Intrinsicality]; gospel; orthodoxy [See Theology]a; authenticity; veracity [See Veracity].
Accuracy (care about truth), exactitude; exactness, preciseness &c. adj.; precision, delicacy; rigor, mathematical precision, fidelity; clockwork precision (regularity) [See Rule]; conformity to rule; nicety.

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Truth synonyms

TRUTH, verity; fact, reality (existence) [See Existence]; plain matter of fact; nature (principle) [See Intrinsicality]; gospel; orthodoxy [See Theology]a; authenticity; veracity [See Veracity].\n

Usage Examples  

  • [[li class="list-group-item"]] Sanios pekwom verosim. Good health is true wealth.[[/li]]


Element Class(es) Gloss / Clarification Taxonomy
veriß* fem "Truth."
verew* subj abe sta m itg Untruth. Absence, lack or void of truth. Untruth
veros* abs subj ess sta Having/containing truth. True, real. Truth

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