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Rooster cackle.

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Specific Sounds

klik* Click.
pipj* Chirp, tweet, pipe.
krep* Creak, groan, discordant sound.
kok* Rooster cackle.
sibil* Sibilation, hiss, wheeze.
plawd* Snap, clap, physical impact.
stert* Snort, snore.
strid* Stridor; harsh, grating sound.
swej* High Note, acute note; soprano, treble, tenor, alto, falsetto; voce di testa [It.], head voice, head tone; shriek, yell.

bo*, vag*, ulul* Ululation, howl, cry, bay, bellow, roar.

Roll (Repeated and protracted sound) drumming &c. v; quaver, clutter, brustle [dial.], charivari, racket; cuckoo; drum fire, barrage; whirr, rattle, drone; reverberation.

Detonator (Generator of sound), bomb, gun, rifle; torpedo, squib, cracker, firecracker, popgun, rattle.

Generator of High Note Penny trumpet, piccolo, fife, whistle; Panpipes, syrinx; pipes, bagpipes, doodlesack [Scot.].

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