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bibl* dis tg
nbsp; Greek biblion
Book.Physical sense: a sequence of leafs (paper or otherwise similar objects) bound together and considered to be one volume.

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part, issue, number, livraison [F.]; album, portfolio; periodical, serial, magazine, ephemeris, annual, journal.
MAKE-UP, bastard title, title, printer’s imprint, subtitles, dedication, preface, contents, list of plates or illustrations, errata, introduction, text; chapter, section, head, article, paragraph, passage, clause; recto, verso or reverso; supplement, appendix, index.
[BINDING MATERIALS] paper, paper boards, buckram, cloth, skiver, roan, pigskin, Russia, Turkey morocco, levant morocco, seal, parchment, vellum.
WORK OF REFERENCE, encyclopedia or encyclopædia, cyclopedia or cyclopædia, dictionary, thesaurus, concordance, anthology; compilation.
bookstore, bookshop, bookseller’s shop, librairie [F.], publishing house.

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